Welcome To the Sustainable Ag Management Tool

The Sustainable Agricultural Management Tool (SAM Tool) allows a farm, orchard, or vineyard manager to:

  • Assess the risk associated with various pesticides and herbicides
  • Track their use by field and employee
  • In conjunction with the worker mobile application, ensure the product was applied to the correct field
  • Generate usage tracking reports by farm and worker

Getting Started

To use this management tool you must have a user account. You can create an account here.

If you already have created an account please log in by clicking this link

Michigan Vine Balance Program is now available!

The Michigan Vine Balance Program checklist is now available. To start a checklist, first select your farm. If you have not created a farm, you must first do this since the checklist is associated with the farm. It is not necessary to identify your growing blocks to start a checklist though.

Once you have selected your farm, on the left menu select Manager then Certifications. On this screen select the "Michigan Vine Balance Growers Workbook 2023 (1.00)" from the dropdown then click the "Start a new certificatin questionnaire" button.

Use the + and - to expand and compress the various sections. At the lowest levels, there are places you can enter comments and even attach a file containing supporting evidence if you would like to.

Guided Tour of this application

If you would like a guided tour of the application from a member of our team, please contact us using this form.

This application is still in development. Please send any comments, ideas, problems to SustainableAg@anr.msu.edu. We look forward to hearing from you.